Friday, September 12, 2008

Jordan Daniel

Jordan Dan is a big ol' 2 year old! My baby's already 2, and I can't believe it! He's been so much fun! He has a fit every now and then, but for the most part, he's pretty "go with the flow." He is still just as sweet as can be. He LOVES sports and tries to immitate the ball players he sees on t.v. He can shoot a basket with one hand and throw a mean spiral with a football! Jordan is fearless! He loves to run, jump, roll, whatever keeps him going! And when he's going through a growth spurt, watch out, this boy can eat!!! He loves sisters, but he's mean to them when he wants his way...he likes to pinch and hit. He thinks his dad is the coolest, and he still likes to snuggle with mom!

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